25th June, 2024

Your Questions Answered

A range of questions were brought up at the Community Conversations event in May regarding Lot 52, Lot 10, Harbour One, and other development and Village matters.



Q: Why is Mulpha pressuring the PBC to abolish Section 56 of the SCRA?
A: Mulpha is not pressuring the PBC. The change is being sought at the community’s request.

Q: Lot 52 – what confidence does a Golf Club member have that they will have access to the 9th and 10th golf holes throughout construction periods?
A: Access is guaranteed throughout the construction process, updates will be distributed during the process.

Q: Will Harbour One residents have security and medical emergency buttons, as well as the same security that residents have behind the gates?
A: Yes. These services will be paid for by Harbour One residents.

Q: Is the fairways gated? And what landscaping consideration will be given to Lot 58?
A: Yes, the fairways is gated. Lot 58 will be heavily landscaped.

Q: Is there a green space plan for Sanctuary Cove (land, village, new developments, community hub, dog park)?
A: A full review of green space will be undertaken for future releases.

Q: Harbour One – are you allowing short term rentals less than a month in the building?
A:No, short term rentals under one month will not be permitted at Harbour One.

Q: Harbour One – are there plans for 2, 3, 4 and 5, 6, 7 etc down the harbour?
A: There are no plans to construct a further Harbour One in the foreseeable future.

Q: Will Cypress Point be developed in the next five years?
A: No.

Q: Is the harbour behind the hotel going to be turned into a marina?
A: No. This is part of the future development of Cypress Point.

Q: Are Mulpha adding additional infrastructure for the 110 extra lots?
A: There is no requirement for embellishment of the existing infrastructure as engineers and the Gold Coast City Council have confirmed there is sufficient capacity.

Q: Lot 52 & H1: what construction will residents pay for infrastructure to wider Sanctuary Cove? H1 to share strata between apt buildings?
A: Mulpha will continue to pay entitlements to the PTBC based on the fixed number of entitlements set out in the SCRA.

Q: Golf course – par 5 to par 4 (5th or 7th holes) who is paying for these changes to the homes?
A: As agreed with Sanctuary Cove Golf Holdings, Mulpha are paying for all works associated with holes 3 and 10.



Q: Car parks – area around Lot 10, are there enough car parks?
A: We believe the parking allocated for Lot 10 is sufficient.

Q: How many car spaces were allocated or built for Harbour One?
A: Each apartment is allocated (on average) 2 car parks. There will also be extra buggy parks & 6 visitor car parks.

Q: Village homes, please confirm the car park is going to remain as is in the village?
A: We confirm it will remain as is in the 5 year plan. If we did, we would definitely have a replacement strategy in place.

Q: Is there a multi-story car park on the agenda?
A: Village management is currently working with traffic engineers to identify solutions that make use of the current level and ensure there is ample parking available for residents and visitors.

Q: There are parking concerns regarding removed car parks for Harbour One. It’s full most weekends.
A: Village management are engaging Traffic Engineers to conduct a review of parking and traffic management throughout the Village.  This will improve available car parking as well as flow of traffic.

Q: There are concerns regarding overnight illegal car parking near the village.
A: Village management are currently working to address this issue. New car park rules and regulations that prohibit overnight parking will be introduced.

Q: What is the status of buggy parking around the Chinese restaurant?
A: Village management are currently working with traffic engineers to improve traffic flow and parking access. Buggy access is restricted around Dragoon Cove for the safety of children and pedestrians.

Q: There are concerns about traffic into Sanctuary Cove from Hope Island, outside the gates.
A: This is a Council or Government issue, Mulpha are open to collaborate with the community in an effort to have the roads widened.



Q: Is it true that Mulpha has acquired Iesco and The Tavern?
A: Yes. Ioesco has been acquired as part of the Harbour One development. The Tavern has been purchased with the aim of improving the offering for residents and guests.

Q: There seems to be a lack of interest from Mulpha for upkeep of the Village. There are lots of vacant spaces for lease. Are Mulpha interested in upgrading the Village?
A: Mulpha is dedicated to ongoing maintenance and improvement of the Village. Action is currently being taken on several fronts, including:

– A Property Improvement Plan is underway

– All buildings are being cleaned and painted

– Amenities are being upgraded

– Urban design consultants have been engaged to improve the landscaping and create a warmer and more inviting feel throughout the Village

– Leasing staff are working to introduce new retailers to the village that will enhance the offering for all residents and visitors

Q: Is the Yacht Club coming back? And in what form?
A: We are currently looking at the best offering to be incorporated into the Village for all residents and visitors.  An update for residents on these initial ideas will be presented at a Community Conversations event in September.



Q: Can residents be updated about the Country Club upgrade?

A: Significant investment has been made during the last two years at the Country Club since it came onboard. This has included:

– Mulpha has purchased the business ‘GC Pilates’ and expanded the Reformer Pilates studio into a new and larger space, following fit out and renovations.

– The Kidz Club has been relocated into new space at lower ground floor area and once again, a fit out and refresh of the new facility performed.

– Tennis Courts: The artificial grass courts surfacing was removed and the substrate levelled, topped up and resurfaced. The tennis court lighting was upgraded to LED flood lights

– An upgrade of pool pumps, new thermal pool covering, new poolside shade awnings was carried out.

– New equipment has been purchased for the gym. This involved extensive investments including new sled tracks, plus 25 new spin bikes ($70k alone). The list of equipment goes on, with more to follow.

– New carpeting was installed throughout the event areas.

– There is now a brand new Sauna in the men’s facilities while the ladies’ sauna underwent a $60k upgrade.

– New flooring was installed throughout men’s locker rooms.


In addition, Mulpha has invested in consultants in relation to the next stage of development. The Wellness and Recovery Suite business model has been completed, including a full financial feasibility report, which is under review by senior executives. An architect has been engaged to design the layout of the space allocated, complete with refurbishment of male & female locker rooms, lower ground floor access areas and the main reception desk area.

The above proposed major project will be subject to project costs, ROI and favourable IRR, together with final approval by Mulpha Board.



Q: What is Mulpha’s exit strategy to return its Golden Share of the Golf Club?
A: Mulpha will continue to retain its Golden Share.

Q: Do we have a dog park somewhere in the community? Is it possible to find 4000sqm for a dog park?
A: No land is zoned or available for a dog park. If installed, it’s construction and maintenance would be at the cost of the PBC.

Q: With Memorial Park being removed what is being done to look after the geese on Lot 51?
A: All efforts are being made to secure a new home for the geese.

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Your Questions Answered

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Community Group Spotlight

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Let’s Connect

Stay informed with the latest news and events from Mulpha Sanctuary Cove.