A range of questions were brought up for Cr Naomi Fowler at our recent Community Conversations event.
Naomi has endeavoured to answer these questions as best she can with the knowledge she has access to at this time. Please feel free to email Sarah Staerk at yoursanctuarycove@mulpha.com.au with further queries.
Bike lanes on sickle avenue: people driving over the bike lane
The Department of Transport and Main Roads has an excellent explanation on their website regarding bicycle lanes: https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/rules/road/special
Sickle avenue gates: people driving making a right-hand turn concerns risk with people parked on the side of the road, suggest to push yellow line further back
Our Traffic Engineering Team has investigated the request to extend the existing yellow line marking on Sickle Avenue, to the east of its intersection with Edgecliff Drive, Sanctuary Cove.
This extension request was not supported given the current 19-metre yellow line is in good operational condition, and effectively maintains unobstructed sight lines to support right turn movements.
That said, should residents experience instances of vehicles parking illegally, it is recommended to contact City Parking directly on 07 5667 5959, or report the issue online: Report a problem – Vehicles | City of Gold Coast
Jabiru bridge: is it high on the agenda it will be in the next year or two? It was on the agenda four years ago
Jabiru Bridge queries are best directed to the State Government. Residents can get in touch with the office of David Crisafulli MP: Broadwater@parliament.qld.gov.au
Exit out of Sanctuary Cove: traffic signals? When coming onto Santa Barbara Road past Coles, only one lane to turn right, is there any planning to put two lanes to turn right there?
The intersection of Santa Barbara Road and Oxenford Southport Road is a State controlled intersection under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR).
It is recommended that if any residents have concerns with the operations at the Santa Barbara Road and Oxenford Southport Road roundabout that they contact TMR via email at southcoast@tmr.qld.gov.au
20% of the area around Hope Island yet to be developed: what plans are there for infrastructure like schools, parking etc?
Aligning with the current City Plan, most of the land in the core of Hope Island appears to be under private ownership and within zones that seek to facilitate predominantly residential and commercial development outcomes. The City Plan ‘Community facilities’ zone is not present in the area, which is where you would typically see schools located within.
In relation to parking, from an Assessment point of view under the City Plan, Officers always seek to facilitate all required car parking to be accommodated on each development site in accordance with the minimum requirements of the City Plan (Transport Code). For other infrastructure such as urban utilities, that will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and where any augmentation is required, this would be conditioned accordingly. Access the City Plan here Planning our city | City of Gold Coast
What influence do you have on Coomera river?
Coomera River falls under the jurisdiction of the Gold Coast Waterways Authority.
In general, the City of Gold Coast works in partnership with many agencies and organisations when it comes to matters concerning our beautiful waterways.
The attached resource will outline which agency or organisation is responsible for each waterway enquiry or issue: Whos-Who-in-the-Blue-October-2022-1.pdf (gcwa.qld.gov.au)