Lisa Smith

Sanctuary Cove Rezoning Approval

Following the recent rezoning approval received by the State Government, Mulpha would like to share with you all the facts about the approval.

Save the date for our next Community Conversations event

Community information seminar

Our Community Conversations events are back on the calendar for 2024 following a successful start in 2023.

Community Engagement Update

Sanctuary Cove aerial

Despite recent changes, Mulpha’s commitment to engaging with the Sanctuary Cove community remains unchanged and is forging ahead in 2024.

Harbour One Hits Construction Milestone

Harbour One under construction

As completion of Harbour One edges closer, a key construction milestone is achieved.

Bubbles on the Boardwalk

Join us for a complimentary glass of Bubbles on the Boardwalk! It’s our shout!

The Lagoon Beach Club is Sanctuary Cove’s hottest new dining destination

Lagoon Beach Club Sanctuary Cove

As an opening special exclusive to Sanctuary Cove Residents, join us for half price gourmet pizza on Friday and Saturday evenings at the Lagoon Beach Club at InterContinental Sanctuary Cove Resort.

A Full House For David Crisafulli MP Event

Mulpha recently hosted a remarkable community event at Sanctuary Cove, with over 120 enthusiastic attendees.  Tim Spencer, Head of Development at Mulpha, and Barry Teeling, Development Director of Mulpha Developments, led the evening as hosts, with special guest speaker David Crisafulli MP, the Leader of the Opposition and State Member for Broadwater.

Community Group Spotlight

Three women in a book club discussing the books they have read

Curious about your community? We want to uncover and share the community groups or clubs within Sanctuary Cove to encourage more participation and foster greater connections. Tell us about your club!

First Community Event A Great Success

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the wonderful turnout at Mulpha’s first Community Conversations event with property market experts Matt Gates, Tim Spencer and David Wilcox and Mulpha Development Director Barry Teeling. For those who were unable to attend, Berry Teeling breaks down some of the discussions regarding the future of Sanctuary Cove.